For a commercial financing request, all relevant economic facts must be clearly compiled. Therefore, a central element in the tender process via our credX platform is the financing memorandum.
In this 6 – 10 page memo we present the relevant facts of a financing comprehensively and neutrally. By comparing the memo data with the financing profiles of the capital providers stored in the credX database, we identify suitable capital providers and propose them for the financing request. After approval by the capital seeker, we send the financing memo to suitable capital providers. Since the data contained in the memo is validated and quality-assured, the financing partners approached can assess the project with little effort and quickly provide a robust indication of whether they can finance the project, and if so, on what terms. The quality check of the data also greatly reduces the risk of negative surprises in the further financing process. The memo is available on the credX platform and in the data room as HTML and PDF. It can also be obtained as a data set for seamless further processing.