Dr. Ralf Kauther CEO credX at the Financing Symposium in Frankfurt am Main


“Yesterday books, today clothes, tomorrow commercial real estate financing. Electronic marketplaces are unbeatably efficient” is the topic of the presentation by Dr. Ralf Kauther, CEO of credX AG at the third Financing Symposium in Frankfurt am Main.

Under the title “Negative interest rate & sustainability – Real estate investments in search of the ideal solution”, this year’s symposium is dedicated to the question of the extent to which low interest rates lead to misallocations in real estate and provide investors with incentives to take greater risks. In addition to the risk, the players also perceive the sustainability of the projects to be financed differently.

In his presentation, Ralf will discuss how the complex inquiry and negotiation processes can be supported very efficiently by digital means, even in project financing. This is already of great benefit to both borrowers and lenders today. With increasing network effects, the use of platforms will bring much more efficiency and in a few years they will be used as naturally as we order books via the Internet today.

Other speakers include Dr. Fabian Lander (Volkswagen Immobilien), Dr. Gerhard Schick (Member of the German Bundestag and founder of Finanzwende e.V.), Christina Schmidt (Triodos Bank) and Prof. Volker Wieland (Goethe University Frankfurt). Program for download and registration are available under this link.

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