Here are some of his key statements: (more…)
Webinar: AI-supported document analysis for practitioners
That is why we are now also offering a webinar in German in which we will focus on the technical aspects of our AI assistant for document analysis. In this online seminar, we will show you (more…)
Webinar: AI-supported document analysis in the financial sector
credX at the 11th Real Estate Finance Day
Meet Ralf Kauther and Michael Müller at the credX booth at the Real Estate Finance Day on November 12, 2024 in Frankfurt:
Our Senior Advisor, Prof. Dr. Lutz Johanning, will give the opening keynote speech on “Outlook Real Estate Finance: Capital Market and GenAI”. In his presentation, he will examine whether positive impulses for the real estate transaction and financing markets can be identified from current and expected capital market data. He will also discuss the impact that generative artificial intelligence could have on these markets.
Webinar by credX and Mayer Brown: “Refinancing Real Estate in the Current Market Environment”.
In the joint compact webinar by Mayer Brown and credX, you will learn in 30 minutes how to optimally prepare your financing projects and place them with lenders:
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Liquidity costs
Amazon Web Services (AWS) reports on the cooperation with credX and valantic
Our customers from the real estate industry entrust us with their financing tenders in order to obtain optimal conditions.
The aspects of transparency and security also play a major role:
- we work with confidential, sometimes very critical, data of our business partners (e.g. how much the company has bid in an ongoing purchase process or how much margin there is in the calculation; on the lender side, it is crucial that the offers are treated fairly and absolutely confidentially and that information in the credit check is traceably unaltered (audit trail))
- borrowers want to know at all times exactly where the process stands and what data has been disclosed to whom
- Lenders are regulated and can only work with IT solutions that demonstrably meet relevant requirements (BaIT, MaRisk…)
We have therefore focused on aligning our IT with financial services standards from the very beginning. In the case study, you will learn how we proceed together with our hosting partner valantic and which systems we use on AWS.
- read more in aws
Immobilien Zeitung reports on credX’s findings on the impact of the interest rate shock on real estate markets
“In Immobilienzeitung 4/2023, Ulrich Schüppler takes up our study on the correlation of interest rates and real estate prices and gives us the opportunity to comment on current market events and the results.”
- read more in Immobilienzeitung
More renowned new clients use the platform
In addition to the successful work with our numerous existing asset managers and project developers, such successes in acquiring new clients impressively underline the attractiveness and novelty of our Financing as a Service offer. Such top tier addresses, with their own network built up over many years and excellent credit standing, as well as their well-organised internal processes, have no difficulty in obtaining financing even under challenging market conditions. Nevertheless, they are happy to take advantage of the support they receive from the credX platform.
Absolut Report publishes credX study on real estate prices
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Cover story in Immobilien Zeitung: Lending platforms get into position
credX infomemo now with macro and micro analyses for real estate location from FPRE
Purchase financing for local supplier real estate
In our “Insights” section, we share our experience of how acquisition financing for local shopping centers has developed in the first half of the year. In this period alone, we advertised ten acquisition financings for more than 40 local retail properties on our platform. Of these, eight have already been financed and two are close to loan approval. We provide insights into which conditions were offered and ultimately concluded, and also go into specific details about the success factors that should currently be paid particular attention to in tenders in this segment.
credX as guest at the 15th IM Symposium at the Palmengarten in Frankfurt
IOTA Foundation’s Co-Founder and Chairman Dominik Schiener invests in credX and will support the strategic development
Dr. Ralf Kauther CEO credX at the Financing Symposium in Frankfurt am Main
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Dr. Ralf Kauther CEO credX at the Moody’s Innovation Briefing
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Interview with Dr. Ralf Kauther CEO of credX AG in BOND MAGAZINE
The CEO of credX explains the concept of the credX platform, target group and costs in an interview. In a nutshell:
We are a neutral, regulated marketplace for lending debt capital, offering the full spectrum of instruments (loans, promissory notes and bonds) at very low transaction fees. Our target group is issuers/borrowers from the upper mid-market, large corporations, the real estate industry and the public sector on the one hand, professional investors such as insurance companies, pension funds, credit funds and banks on the other hand, as well as corporate finance advisors or investment advisors.
More details in the interview on page 13.
Article in immobilienwirtschaft: “Real estate banks. New spectrum needed“
- read more in immobilienwirtschaft (paywall)
Very detailed and informative article in “Immobilienwirtschaft 04/2019” about the necessary transformations of real estate financiers and the digitisation of commercial real estate financing.
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Article in the VDI-Nachrichten about the digitalisation of the German Schuldschein market
- read more in VDI-Nachrichten (paywall)
VDI-Nachrichten reports on Schuldschein as a flexible alternative to traditional bank loans and the advantages of digital platforms.
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Article about the new “LMA-Schuldscheinstandard” in Finance Magazin
- read more Finance Magazin
We welcome the fact that the LMA, together with the Association of German Treasurers, has proposed a standard read more
Article in L’AGEFI Hebdo: “Le Schuldschein entame son aggiornamento numérique”
- read more in L’AGEFI Hebdo (paywall)
The French business magazine L’ AGEFI Hebdo reports on the leading German promissory note platforms and the development of the Euro PP market in France.
Lars Hille joins credX as Senior Advisor
Article in DerTreasurer on the competition of promissory note platforms
Very exciting development:
LBBW, the No. 1 in the promissory note market, takes the position that banks are not necessary as intermediaries and should concentrate on the advisory role. It is understandable that it nevertheless wants to defend its position by using a proprietary platform. We consider a neutral platform where banks and other deal advisors can offer their services to issuers in a fair and transparent manner to be more efficient.
Article on “Banks facing debt capital market disintermediation”
- read more on cites the main reasons why digital platforms will change the primary market for debt: In addition to efficiency and security, the increased transparency is of great benefit to issuers and investors. This aspect has become even more important with MifID II.
Article about the digitization of “Schuldschein” in Finance Magazin
- read more in Finance Magazin
This interesting article deals with the different approaches: On the one hand, (multi-)arranger platforms read more
Current press comments on the launch of the credX platform
credX is very pleased about the positive response:
- read more DerTreasurer
- read more Handelsblatt
- read more Börsenzeitung
- read more Wirtschaftswoche
- read more Global Legal Chronicle
First promissory note loan concluded between Telekom and AXA
With immediate effect, issuers with good to very good credit ratings on the one hand and professional investors on the other can register. As members they can use the web-based platform to prepare, negotiate, conclude and manage the processing and settlement of debt issues and loans. As a neutral intermediary for private placement of bonds, promissory note loans (Schuldscheine) and credit, credX provides an alternative to the predominant placement and syndication via banks.
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